Course Catalog Creative Writing the New School

  • Creative Writing Hero

    Creative Writing (BA)

  • Earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in Creative Writing from a program open to transfer students, adults, and other nontraditional undergraduates. Work with faculty mentors who are themselves acclaimed writers and literary professionals. Through writing workshops, literature courses, the Writer's Life Colloquium, and a capstone project you prepare for a career in fields such as editing, publishing, journalism, and new media, or graduate work in writing, literature, journalism, media, or cultural studies.

    • Degree Bachelor of Arts
    • Credits 120 (up to 84 transfer credits)
    • Format Full-time or part-time, on campus (some classes available online)
    • Start Term Fall or Spring

    Legacy of Excellence

    The New School offered the first academic creative writing workshop in 1931 and pioneered a new philosophy of education. The idea: students would make their own lives and their own stories part of their education. Today, The New School continues to celebrate and cultivate daring and diverse new voices through its its highly regarded MFA in Creative Writing Program, Summer Writers Colony, New School Publishing Institute, and the BA in Creative Writing. Creative Writing BA students may also apply to the Riggio: Writing and Democracy honors program.

    Learn more about the curriculum

    Career Paths

    The BA in Creative Writing is a pathway to such employment opportunities as editorial assistant, proofreader, freelance writer, web developer, and web producer. Graduates are prepared to work in the writing and publishing industries, as well as advertising. Ultimately, graduates of this program develop careers as working writers, publishing professionals or publishers, editors, or publicists. This program also prepares students to apply to graduate programs in journalism or creative writing, including The New School's MFA in Creative Writing.

  • Faculty

    Learn from and work with faculty mentors who are themselves acclaimed writers and literary professionals.

    • Meet our faculty
    • In this course, students learn basic writing skills for online outlets, how to create and promote online platforms, and the difference between just being anyone with access to the Internet and being a citizen journalist. Together we embark on a deep discussion and critical review of a variety of cit...

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    • This study of musical poetics focuses on the buried linguistic and musical structures of poetry and on the way these structures create voice and meaning in a poem. We discuss the way music serves as a muse for the poet and creates a relationship between form and content. Some class time is devote...

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  • The life experience I brought to The New School improved my education — and I think it added to the classroom. The program made me a better student, a better researcher, and a better writer.

    Ted Kerr, BA Liberal Arts, Alumnus of the Riggio Honors Program

Submit your application


To apply to any of our undergraduate programs (except the Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students and Parsons Associate of Applied Science programs) complete and submit the Common App online.

Undergraduate Adult Learners

To apply to any of our Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students and Parsons Associate of Applied Science programs, complete and submit the New School Online Application.


To apply to any of our Master's, Doctoral, Professional Studies Diploma, and Graduate Certificate programs, complete and submit the New School Online Application.


Course Catalog Creative Writing the New School


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